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For the latest updates from TSJC President, Dr. Rhonda Epper, please go to the College’s dedicated webpage for COVID-19 information, updates and resources at https://trinidadstate.edu/health-alerts/

Here’s a brief excerpt taken from Dr. Epper’s most recent update…”Spring Break is traditionally a time to refresh and recharge from the stress and excitement of a higher education experience. It is also a time for renewal, as we look forward to May -- to warmer weather, to semester’s end, and to graduation. Unfortunately, things are much different this semester. COVID-19 has brought new challenges and normalcy has gone by the wayside. We are all a bit on edge as we consider the many unknowns before us. And yet, I have confidence that the legacy of Trinidad State will endure. As I walk the campus, speak with employees, and visit with students, I am encouraged that we are looking out for one another. I am confident that we can develop and adopt new processes to better serve the needs of students and employees, not just for the short-term of this current crisis, but for many years to come. I am confident that the communities of Southern Colorado, of which we are an integral part, will recognize and value the critical contributions we make to their economic and cultural fabric; and they will endeavor to support us as much as we will continue to support them.”

With best wishes for you and the people close to you!
Toni DeAngelis & the TSJC Educational Foundation

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